My name is Lori Barrett, if you are searching for Professional Bodywork and Massage, you have wandered into a very Peaceful and Healing environment. If you are looking for an experience of feeling Peaceful yet Rejuvenated, Relaxed yet Energized, and Awareness of Self, You have found what you are looking for.
I run a private practice now and was the Owner/Massage Therapist of Sunflower Wellness & Massage in Laurel, MD. I am a member of the (AMTA) American Massage Therapy Association and I hold a license to practice in the State of Delaware (#MT000385).
It is my commitment to you the client the opportunity to heal Mind, Body, & Spirit in each client centered session I offer. It is my belief that multiple modalities/techniques are the way for the body to find its natural balance, rhythm and wholeness with self.
I encourage and work with my clients where they are, help them understand their somatic dysfunction and how stress from our daily lives can cause physical pain. The power to heal is in each of us, sometimes we need a little support, a listening ear and healing hands to move us forward in our journey.
I have training in a variety of modalities, so please click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my practice. If you don't see the service here that you are looking for, send me a message and I will share with you referrals for other Professional Bodywork services close by.
Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to confirm availability, the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have. All messages will be returned after daily appointments and within a 24 hour window.
Thanks for visiting and have a Beautiful day!
Be Well,